Estd 2000

Applications of ozone

A Leading Manufacturer of Ozone Generator


In Swimming Pools offers several advantages:

1. Effective disinfection: Ozone is a potent oxidiser that can effectively destroy bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms present in the pool water. It provides a high level of disinfection, ensuring a safe and healthy swimming environment. 

2. Reduced chemical usage: Ozone treatment helps reduce the reliance on traditional chemical disinfectants like chlorine. With ozone, you can lower the amount of chlorine needed for water treatment, reducing the potential for chemical-related side effects such as skin and eye irritation. 

3. Improved water quality: Ozone helps eliminate organic and inorganic contaminants in the pool water, including oils, lotions, sweat, and urine. This leads to clearer, fresher, and odourless water, enhancing the overall swimming experience. 

4. Shorter reaction time: Ozone acts quickly and efficiently in destroying contaminants, providing a rapid response to water quality issues. This ensures that the pool water remains clean and safe for use, minimising downtime and maintenance efforts.

5. Environmentally friendly: Unlike some traditional disinfectants, ozone breaks down into oxygen after use, leaving no harmful residues or byproducts. It is a sustainable and eco-friendly option for pool water treatment. 

 6. Improved air quality: Ozone treatment can help reduce chloramines, which are responsible for the "chlorine smell" often associated with indoor pools. By eliminating chloramines, ozone contributes to better air quality around the pool area, creating a more pleasant and healthier environment for swimmers and staff. 

 Overall, ozone treatment offers numerous advantages, including enhanced disinfection, reduced chemical usage, improved water and air quality, and environmental sustainability. 

 Ozone dosages for a pool can vary depending on size of pool, location ambient temperature and amount of chlorine used it can be as low as 10 grams per hour per 100 cubic meters pool volume or as high as 30 grams per hour per 100 cubic meter pool volume